
2023 Worcester Bicycle Survey
Do you ride a bike or want to ride a bike in Worcester?
We'd like your feedback/comments to learn more about the bicycle culture in Worcester and inform our city officials.
Please fill out the five-minute survey below and stay connected! 

Complete the survey in full, (don't forget to provide your contact info!) for a chance to win a $50 gift card. Thank you!

How would you describe your current biking ability/interest?
In what ways do you currently cycle in Worcester (Check all that apply)
How frequently do you ride?
How would you rate Worcester cycling conditions?
Would you use a bike-sharing service if it is available? (Bike-sharing is a shared transportation service that allows bicycles to be publicly available for a nominal fee and provides an alternative for short trips and connections to public transit).
Where should bike parking (bike racks) be installed around the city?
What are the challenges/barriers of riding in Worcester?
What do you like about riding in Worcester?
If you are currently biking, where do you ride in Worcester? 
What is your interest in the following:
I'm interested
I'm NOT interested
Attending bicycle based community events 
Volunteering in city bicycle initiatives
Providing feedback & recommendations on bicycle mobility to city planning staff
Anything else that you'd like to add:
Please provide the information below so you can join MassBike's mailing list and get a chance to win a $50 gift card (MassBike do not share or sell your personal information to third parties.)

What's your age range?
What's your gender?
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