
Thank you for attending today's Career Services Presentation from the Triton Advising Center and Career Development Office.  

We invite you to take a pre-assessment about UOG's career services. The post-assessment is not graded but is designed to find out what you know on this topic and assist us to identify your additional needs.
Please contact Triton Advising Center emsstac@triton.uog.edu with any questions. Thank you for completing this post-assessment.
Student's Name/Course Section
How familiar are you with the following career-related platforms and services:
Not At All FamiliarSomewhat FamiliarVery Familiar 
Triton Career Connections (careerconnect.uog.edu)
Handshake (uog.joinhandshake.com)
O*Net Interest Profiler
Where is the Career Development Office located?
What services are provided by the Career Development Office? (Choose 5.)
What resources can you find on Triton Career Connections? (Choose 5.)
What online platform is better for applying for jobs and communicating with employers?
What online platform is better for finding career preparation resources?
How many accounts have you created on a employment-oriented platform, such as Handshake, Indeed, HireGuam, LinkedIn, etc.?
Have you taken the O*Net Interest Profiler test?
What was the most important thing that you learned from today's presentation?
What was the most relevant thing that you learned from today's presentation?
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