
重現涌口市集@梅窩申請表 Old Town Returns: Chung Hau Street Market @ Mui Wo Application Form

Questions marked with a * are required
你的品牌/店舖名稱是? What is your brand / store name?
你售賣的產品類型為? What are the types of products you sell?
將於市集中售賣的產品 (請盡量詳細填寫,以便甄選) Products to be Sold in the Market (Please specify the details for selection purpose)
你所售賣的產品是否與梅窩相關/梅窩製造? Are your products related to/ made in Mui Wo?
聯絡資料 Contact Information
你的品牌/店舖的社交媒體平台及網頁(如有) Your brand / store's social media platform and website (if any)
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