Cat Cafe/Lounge Ideas & Feedback

Questions marked with a * are required
1.Do you know what a Cat Cafe or Cat Lounge is?
For context: cat cafes are a place where aspiring cat owners, cat lovers, and just about anyone can come and spend time with cats.

In the US, cats must be in a separate area from where (human) food is served.
Because of this, many "Cat Cafes" don't actually serve food and the name is used colloquially or are called Cat Lounges. Even if they serve food the focus and attraction is usually on the cats rather than the "cafe experience"

This survey is research for a Cat Cafe that might be opening in the near future. Your honest feedback can really contribute in creation of this space that can help some local cats find a home!

2.Have you been to a Cat Cafe or Cat Lounge before?
3.How interested are you in visiting or returning to a Cat Cafe/Lounge?
4.Please rate the following features of a Cat Cafe/Lounge based on their importance to you.
Not Important
Not very important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Amount of days/hours open
Price of entry
Number of cats
Food being available for purchase
Quality of food items
Subscription plan for discount entry
That the business is non-profit
Cats are available for adoption
5.Please rank (6-8) the following in order of importance when it comes to a Cat Cafe/Lounge:
Drag your choices here to rank them
    • Amount of days/hours open
    • Price of entry
    • Number of cats
    • Food for purchase
    • Quality of food items
    • Subscription plan for discount entry
    • Non-profit
    • Cats are available for adoption
    6.What would be an appropriate price for entry to a Cat Cafe/Lounge if it had all the options you want from the previous question?
    7.What is the furtherest you would be willing to travel to visit a Cat Cafe/Lounge that had all the above features and at the price point you previously selected?
    These next two sections are the most important part of this survey!
    We want to know what you think so we can create a better space for both humans and cats! 
    So please don't skip this and fill out as much as you can.

    The best ideas or feedback will win some prizes if/when cafe opens!
    8.What other features you would like to see incorporated into a cat cafe?
    9.Please provide any additional comments you have about cat cafes.
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