Error Codes
Error Code HTTP Status Code Message
1040 404 Resource Not Found The resource that you're trying to access doesn't exist
1003 400 Bad Request Invalid URL parameters
1010 401 Authorization Error Incorrect API Key
1002 400 Bad Request Invalid schema in the body provided.
1001 400 Bad Request The body provided was not a proper JSON string
1013 403 Forbidden The user does not have permission to access the resource
1011 403 Forbidden Permission has not been granted by the user to make this request.
arrow_rightError Codes
      "response": {
        "error": {
          "docs": " error-codes",
          "httpStatusCode": 401,
          "id": 1010,
          "message": "Incorrect API Key.",
          "name": "UNAUTHORIZED",
          "resourceUrl": "{{user-id}}?apiKey={{api-key}}"