Plantillas de encuestas Encuestas para evaluación de empleados Self Improvement Survey

Self Improvement Survey

What’s most important for companies to know when it comes to their employees self-improvement, and what is the best way they can help their employees to keep improving and growing? At QuestionPro, we’ve created a survey template to help you better target your learning and development programs to your employees’ needs. Intrigued? Like everything we do, it starts with a survey. Use this free template and get a free trial now.

The first part of the survey is about your career self-awareness. As you read each statement, think about how well it describes you in general or on a regular basis. 
not at all like me
a lot like me
I regularly make time to reflect about what I want from my career.
I try to spend as much time as possible working on things that make me feel fulfilled.
I always pay attention to the way I presented myself in a work setting.
I often think about how my career compares to others’.
I actively seek out career advice from those I respect.
Next, we'd like to understand how you approach career growth. As you read each statement, think about how well it describes you.
not at all like me
a lot like me
No matter how hard it may seem, I believe skills can be improved with practice.
Even when I experience success, I am constantly looking for ways to improve.
Rather than staying upset, I always strive to learn from my mistakes. 
Career success can be greatly impacted by how hard you work, regardless of natural ability.
It’s important for me to feel challenged at work in addition to doing my job well.
In this section, we'd like to know more about your career goals and how you go about achieving them. How well do each of the following statements describe you? 
not at all like me
a lot like me
I have exciting professional goals I am striving to achieve over the next year.
I enjoy thinking about different ways to achieve my goals.
Once I set my mind on a goal, I immediately think about the steps to achieve it.
As I work towards my goals, I anticipate potential obstacles and make a plan for how to overcome them.
I take the time to evaluate if I am progressing in my career as quickly as I’d like to.
Last, but not least, we'd like to know more about your habits when it comes to your career. Please mark to what extent each statement describes you. 
not at all like me
a lot like me
I take action on an ongoing basis to move my career forward.
I try to come up with specific small steps I can take to make consistent progress towards my goals.
I am good at getting others to help me achieve my career goals. 
As I strive to achieve my goals, I go for simple routines that I can turn into habits over time. 
I reward myself when I make progress on an important career goal.