Employee review survey template is designed to understand what an employee feels about his/her role within the organization, whether they find their work interesting if they see a career growth in the organization and more. This questionnaire is designed to collect meaningful information from the employees, an honest opinion, about how they feel of their performance. This sample survey template consists of 15+ questions to suit the needs of an organization.
Regular employee reviews can give an organization timely insights into organizational health index (OHI). The regular employee survey that organizations conduct is good to collect business information. However, if you want to understand how an employee purview his/her performance an employee review survey will do the trick.
1. Considering your complete working experience with our company, how likely would you be to recommend our products to a friend or colleague?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely 2. Which department do you work with? 3. How long have you been working with the organization? 4. How satisfied are you with your current role with the organization? 5. Considering your workload, is it enough according to your role? 6. Please share with us a review about your job and how the company can support you. 7. Please rate your abilities to accommodate to changes 8. Please rate your ability to perform under pressure situation 9. Please rate your ability to innovate at work 10. What do you describe as your greatest strengths? 11. What areas would you like to see improvements in? 12. How comfortable are you to speak your mind at work? 13. How often does your direct supervisor/manager interact with you? 14. What can the management do to better support your role? 15. If there is a change in the team or organization’s goals, how often does your manager explain the reason for this change? 16. How satisfied are you with the health insurance plan offered by the organization? 17. What concerns do you have when it comes to effectively performing your duties at work? |