Survey Templates Psychographic And Demographic Surveys Life attitude survey questions + sample questionnaire template

Life attitude survey questions + sample questionnaire template

Life attitude survey template by QuestionPro consisting of questions related to life attitude: your way of viewing life. This questionnaire has 25 questions that help you get a better idea and clarity on what are your views on your life and speculate your nature of being. In this questionnaire, there are questions about personal preferences and how you view society in general. This survey template is more self-exploratory and aims at providing a better understanding towards self.

Below is a list of statements. Please indicate how you feel about each statement by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not sure
Financial security is very important to me.
I'd say I'm rebelling against the way I was brought up.
I believe that "industrial growth" should be limited.
Generally speaking, most people are trustworthy and honest.
Everything is changing too fast today.
In general, it's more important to understand my inner self than to be famous, powerful, or wealthy.
My greatest achievements are ahead of me.
I believe a woman can work outside the home even if she has small children and still be a good mother.
I am certainly more conventional than experimental.
I like to try new and different things.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not sure
It's very important to me to feel I am a part of a group.
Overall, I'd say I'm very happy.
TV is my main form of entertainment.
I'm a "spender" rather than a "saver."
I would rather spend a quiet evening at home than go out to a party.
My family is the single most important thing to me.
I think I have more self-confidence than most people.
I like to think I'm a bit of a swinger.
A woman's life is fulfilled only if she can provide a happy home for her family.
My social status is an important part of my life.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not sure
I act on my hunches.