Student School Violence Survey Template by QuestionPro is designed to collect feedback from students going to school regarding the violence that you heard of, witnessed or experienced in the school environment in the last academic semester/year. In this sample survey template, students are asked questions regarding their school environment and how safe they feel. In this questionnaire, students are asked about the sentiments of students regarding their safety in their school campus. This survey has a total of 23 questions added with an aim to understand child safety against violence.
Your school's name is: You are a: Your current grade level: How frequently do you consider the manifestations of violence among students happen in your school?How would you describe your school? How would you rate your own experience with violence in this school, in the last academic semester/year? How would you describe violence in school? Please, give us some examples. (Optional) During the past school semester/year, for how many times did you intentioned or even ended up staying home from school because you were afraid you would not be safe at school? |