調査テンプレートライブラリ 顧客満足度調査 ネットプロモータースコア(NPS)調査テンプレート


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当社での完全な経験を考慮して、当社の製品を友人や同僚にどのくらい推薦するでしょうか? 0 ありそうにない to 10 可能性が非常に高い
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Please tell us the reasons behind your rating.
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : How satisfied are you with the following experience with our company?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Very dissatisfied
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Not satisfied
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Neutral
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Satisfied
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Very satisfied
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : NA
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Product quality
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Purchasing experience
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Customer support
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Considering your experience with the product quality, how likely would you be to recommend our products to a friend or colleague?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Considering your complete purchase experience, how likely would you be to recommend our products to a friend or colleague?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Considering your experience with our customer support team, how likely would you be to recommend our products to a friend or colleague?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Which of these [Products or Services] do you use?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Which of these [Products or Services] do you like the most?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : How satisfied are you with the value for money our [Products or Services] offer?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : What features do you use the most?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : What did you like the most about our product or service?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Which of the following should be improved? Select all that apply.
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Please let us know how can we improve your experience.
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Would it be okay for us to follow-up with you for any of the answers above?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : What is the email address we can reach out to you?
Japanese (日本語) translation missing for : Would you like to learn more about other [Products or Services]?