Direct Mail Advertising Service Survey Template is created to understand the advertising activities conducted on a regular basis. This survey consists of questions related to indulgence in the advertising activities of an organization, business or even individuals. This survey template has questions that help a researcher understand the needs of an organization or business related to their advertising needs and why would they want to advertise their products or services. This survey consists of questions that are a mix of market research and demography. This survey template can be modified and questions can be added to suit the need of a researcher.
DIRECT MAIL LOGO CLOTHING OR PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 1. Which of the following best describes your position within the company? 2. In which state is your office located? 3. Including yourself, how many employees work at this location? 4. Which of the following best describes the primary business activity of your company at this location? (Please select one answer only) 5. Please select the range that best describes the approximate 2000 annual sales for your company at this location. ADVERTISING 7. How much would you estimate you spent in total and on the following advertising, sales and marketing activities in the past 6 months? 8. For each of the following advertising, sales and marketing services listed, please tell us if your company purchased this service in the past 6 months and if that purchase was made from an offline bricks and mortar vendor or on-line vendor. 10. If you conducted a direct mail campaign in the past 6 months, how did you go about preparing and sending your direct mail for the most recent campaign you ran? 11. If you conducted a direct mail campaign in the past 6 months, which of the following pieces did you send as part of the most recent campaign you ran? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] 12. If conducted, how satisfied are you with the overall results of your direct mail campaigns, that is the increase in sales you generated or the overall impact on your business. 13. Are you aware that there are on-line, full-service direct mail providers that can conduct your entire direct mail campaign for you at a fraction of the time and cost of doing it yourself? They provide custom templates, mailing lists, as well as print, stuff, stamp, and mail your direct mail campaign. 14. How valuable would an on-line, full service direct mail provider be to your business? 16. If you are somewhat unlikely or very unlikely to purchase this service online, Why would you not consider a service like this? [SELECT AS MANY AS TWO ITEMS] 15. How likely would you be to purchase an on-line, full-service direct mail if it were made available? 17. If you acquired a direct mail or sales prospect list in the last 6 months, how did you acquire the list that you used most recently? 18. Are you aware that there are on-line list providers who offer customer names and addresses that you can customize to your needs by key criteria such as geography, income and other demographics? 19. How valuable would an online list provider service be to your business? 20. How likely would you be to purchase a list from an on-line list provider service if it were made available. 21. Why would you be unlikely to consider a LIST SERVICE like this online? |