Шаблоны опросов Оценочные опросы для сотрудников Employee Recognition Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

Employee Recognition Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

The free employee recognition survey questions and template help you understand employee recognition processes in your organization.

It will help you know if your employee recognition initiatives meet the expectations of your staff. Use this questionnaire to invite suggestions from your employees about refining your employee recognition program.

These questions will let you know how often your employees are appreciated, in what way, and if they expect any other ways of staff recognition.

What is an employee recognition survey?

Employers can utilize an employee recognition survey to get employee feedback on their recognition program and reward program. This survey can assist businesses in understanding how their employees feel about recognition, what awards they value most, and how they think the recognition program can be improved.

The employee recognition survey may ask about the frequency and quality of recognition received, the fairness and consistency of the company's recognition program, the perceived impact of recognition on employee motivation and job satisfaction, and ways to enhance the recognition program.

Creating employee recognition survey template

An employee recognition survey is a good approach to getting employee feedback and showing appreciation for their hard work. Here is a template for an employee recognition survey that you can use as a starting point:

1. Considering your experience with employee appreciation, how likely are you to recommend someone you respect to work in this organization?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
2. How important is it for you to be appreciated for your work?
3. You like appreciation:
4. Who do you prefer the appreciation come from?
5. Please select the most appropriate answer responses:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I am aware of the criteria for receiving any appreciation at work
I am aware of the procedure of nominating my team member for appreciation and awards
It doesn’t take much time to nominate other employees
Appreciation recipients are communicated timely
Appreciation programs are accessible to all employees
I would like to choose the way I am appreciated
Appreciation is important to me
I want the team to be appreciated along with me
6. Please rate the importance of the following criteria for appreciation.
An employee should be appreciated when:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
He/she contributes to a more supportive work environment
He/she performs well individually or as a part of the team
Gives practical and workable solutions
Helps in improving health and safety programs at work
Successfully completes community involvement and volunteer services
Achieves milestone in years of service
Exceeds performance objectives
Reflects company values perfectly
8. Please select your work experience in this organization
9. Please select your work title
10. Do you wish to add anything else that will help us improve the way we appreciate our employees?

Top 3 Reasons To Use The employee recognition survey Template

Employee recognition will affect your staff's motivation, employee performance, and employee engagement. It is crucial that your employees know they are appreciated, and you should check on them time and again.

Here are three key reasons to use this free online employee recognition survey template in your organization. Surveys are the most effective technique to learn about your company values and company's current employee engagement.

  • Gauge Effectiveness:

    Every organization has a unique way of recognizing employees. It could be monthly, half-yearly, or yearly through awards, cash incentives, gifts, etc. Ask your recognized employees for feedback will help you understand the effectiveness of your recognition programs. It will help you understand if your employees are satisfied with your current employee recognition platform.

  • Ideas For recognition:

    Awards are not the only way to appreciate your employees and their work. It could be sponsoring a training program or recognition program for them, supporting their hobbies, etc. Every employee is unique, and so will their expectation from their supervisors or management team.

  • Invite Suggestions:

    Use these employee recognition survey questions to invite suggestions from employees, managers, and management to refine your employee recognition initiatives. New ways to recognize employees will certainly boost employee engagement, workforce productivity, and employee morale.

Importance of employee recognition survey questions

Employee recognition survey questions are important for several reasons, including:

  • Measuring employee satisfaction:

    Employee recognition surveys can reveal how satisfied employees are with their work incentives. This employee feedback can help the company improve its recognition programs and company values to boost employee satisfaction.

  • Increasing employee engagement:

    Recognizing employees can boost employee morale, employee productivity, employee satisfaction, and job satisfaction. Asking the right recognition question can help you make sure you have a team of engaged employees.

  • Improving employee retention rates:

    Employee retention increases when employees feel recognized and valued. Surveys can assist the company in strengthening its recognition program and rewards programs to retain outstanding employees.

  • Driving performance:

    Recognizing employees for their accomplishments and employee engagement efforts can boost performance by motivating them to work harder and strive for perfection. Employers can use employee recognition survey results to find areas for improvement in their recognition and reward programs.

  • Building a positive company culture:

    Company culture is important for employee development. Employee recognition surveys can assist to foster a positive company culture by indicating that the company supports and appreciates its employees' efforts and achievements.


The correct employee recognition survey question can help businesses understand how employees feel about recognition and what rewards they value most. An effective employee recognition program can boost job satisfaction, motivation, and organizational performance.

Are you struggling with your employee recognition survey? This survey template should help you develop a good employee recognition survey and employee recognition programs. Sign up free to gain access to QuestionPro's free survey templates.