Шаблоны опросов School Surveys Шаблон опроса о выборе профессии преподавателя для этнических и культурных меньшинств

Шаблон опроса о выборе профессии преподавателя для этнических и культурных меньшинств

Шаблон опроса о выборе профессии для этнических и культурных меньшинств состоит из вопросов и примеров для получения аналитической картины мотивации, опыта, задач и ценностей этнических и культурных меньшинств с точки зрения выбора карьеры преподавателя. Компоновка этого образца опроса позволит собрать системно организованную информацию. Вопросы анкеты основаны на степени участия окружающих сообществ в системе среднего специального образования.

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Please respond to the following questions based on community involvement during your college education.


True - reflective of my experience

False - not reflective of my experience

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : True
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : False
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Not sure
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I lived in proximity of my ethnic community
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I participated in my ethnic community cultural events
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I participated in my ethnic community's social and educational events
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I participated in my ethnic community's religious activities
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I assisted heritage languages programs in my community
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I enrolled in heritage language/cultural classes in my community
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I am comfortable communicating with adults and elders in my community in my heritage language
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I participated in my ethnic community's political events
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I am well aware of my ethnic community's issues and concerns
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I participate in activities addressing issues and concerns of my ethnic community
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Please respond to these questions based on your past or current experience with the recruitment and admission process.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : True
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : False
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Not sure
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was recruited to enter the teaching profession because I am a person of language and cultural minority
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was encouraged to apply into the teaching credential program because of my ethnic and language background
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was informed that my ethnic and language background was of value in the teaching profession
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was told that there was a need for teachers of diverse cultural and language backgrounds
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : More of my friends would have joined the profession if they were informed of the need for teachers who are bilingual/bicultural
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was assisted adequately through the admission process
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was able to complete all the prerequisites without any problems
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Being admitted into the credential program was a not a complicated process
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Passing the CBEST was not a problem
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Meeting the GPA requirement was not an issue
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : True
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : False
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Not sure
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I think the admission criteria was fair and just
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I did not/will not have problems passing other standardized tests
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was offered adequate financial aides to help me complete the program
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : More minority candidates would have joined the profession if there were more financial aides available.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I am a

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : True
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : False
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Not sure
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have had professors who shared my cultural/ethnic background
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have had professors who really knew me and accepted me
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I identify with other classmates in terms of shared experiences
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have had opportunities to discuss and share our learning (progress and challenges) with other classmates on an on-going basis
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have/had a sense of true friendship and camaraderie with my peers
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have/had opportunities to discuss issues relating to our cultural and ethnic backgrounds and experiences with my peer group
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I feel that I have a voice in my classes and that my perspectives and opinions are welcomed
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I feel supported in expressing my opinions and perspectives
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I was encouraged to share my personal experiences and cultural backgrounds
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : There are several faculty of color in my credential program
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : True
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : False
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Not sure
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : There are some faculty members who share my ethnic background
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have/had opportunities to do fieldwork with students of my cultural and ethnic backgrounds
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have/had opportunities to use my cultural and language background in my coursework
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have/had opportunities to use my cultural and language background in my fieldwork
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I rarely felt excluded or isolated from my peers or the program
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : True
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : False
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Not sure
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : The content of the coursework was empowering to me
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : The method courses are/were relevant and prepared me well for the real classrooms
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Many of my teacher preparation courses integrated histories, experiences and perspectives of minority students, parents and communities.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Multicultural education in my program goes/went beyond learning about special characteristics of different groups.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Our program's faculty represents racially and culturally diverse voices, experiences and perspectives
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Our program's teacher candidates include members with racially and culturally diverse voices, experiences and perspectives
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Students from different cultural and language backgrounds were perceived as potential resources
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : The program provides opportunities for my families to be involved in my teacher education process
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : The program provides opportunities for me to improve my primary language and knowledge of my heritage culture.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Reflect on your school years. Think of your favorite teacher or class. Which of the following attributes about the teacher/class did you most like:

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Think of a class (K-12) in which you had negative feelings. Check up to 6 items that contributed to these feelings:

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : At what age did you first realize that you want to become a teacher?

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Who or what do you think were your primary forces of influence on your decision to become a teacher?(Select up to 6 items that apply the most)

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Was there someone in your family who is/was a teacher? If applicable, please identify the person's relation to you.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : What came to your mind as you thought of becoming a teacher? (choose up to 3 that are most applicable)

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : What was the reaction of people around you when you made your final decision to become a teacher?

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : In your culture, how is the teacher perceived and defined?

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I entered the teaching credential program as a:

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : While being in the credential program, I was/am:

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Of all the teacher education related courses that you have completed, the one that was most memorable to you was(course title/description):
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : The classes that you personally found most valuable and memorable are the ones in which you:
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : The most meaningful classes are often offered through the department of:
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : In general, my experience in the teacher preparation courses are: (choose up to 3 responses that most applicable)

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : How often have issues of race and culture become central focus in your teacher education courses (reading, discussion, debate, etc.)?

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : How often have the issues of social and educational equity and justice become the central focus of your teacher education courses?

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Whenever issues of race and culture came up, I felt that I:

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : As a person of ethnic and/or linguistic minority, did you feel your background and experiences were:
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : As a person of ethnic and/or linguistic minority in the program, did you feel that you:
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : As a person of ethnic and/or linguistic minority in the program, you:

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Throughout the teacher preparation program:

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Upon graduating from the teacher education program, I am/was looking forward to having a teaching position in schools with

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