Шаблоны опросов Опросы на тему здравоохранения Шаблон опроса о реформе здравоохранения Obamacare

Шаблон опроса о реформе здравоохранения Obamacare

В шаблоне опроса о реформе здравоохранения Obamacare предлагаются вопросы, позволяющие провести тщательный анализ качества услуг здравоохранения. Этот образец можно отредактировать в зависимости от того, насколько подробную информацию вы хотите собрать об услугах здравоохранения в контексте реформы Obamacare. Примеры вопросов из этой анкеты: «Взгляды какой политической партии Вы разделяете?», такие демографические вопросы, как «К какой расе Вы себя относите?», «Каков доход Вашей семьи?» и др.

Russian (Русский) translation missing for :

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey on Obamacare which was passed into law in March 2010. We value your feedback and your responses will be used to serve you better. Thank you for your input.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 1.What is your gender?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 4.Which political party are you affiliated with?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 5.What is the highest level of education you have attained?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 6.What is your marital status?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 7.Do you consider yourself disabled?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 8.Please mark the level of your income per year?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 9.Which of the following group of race do you fit best?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 10.Overall how do you feel about the Affordable Care Act?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 11.Have you been able to obtain cover since the Act was introduced in March 2010?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 12.Have you been unable to meet health care cost in the past?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 13.Has the Affordable Care Act reduced your health care cost?
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : 14.Has the Affordable Care Act improved your access to healthcare?