Survey Templates School Surveys Distance learning survey for high school students

Distance learning survey for high school students

Distance learning survey for high school students

Are you comfortable with distance learning/remote schoolwork?
Kindly indicate level of comfort for the below questions
Very uncomfortable
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
How comfortable are you with remote learning tools such as ClassDojo, Google Classroom, etc.?
How comfortable are you focussing and finishing your assignments remotely?
How frequently, in a week, do you interact with your teachers?
More than 3 times
Your answer
How satisfied are you with distance learning?
Very dissatisfied
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Your rating
How engaged are you in your distance learning sessions?
Very engaged
Somewhat engaged
Your answer
Do you feel your teachers are able to guide you well remotely?
What do you like most about learning remotely?
How frequently do your teachers provide feedback on your schoolwork?
Once in a while
About half the time
Most of the time
Your answer
How many hours do you spend learning and doing schoolwork daily?
Do you feel you are learning new things from home?
How do you feel about learning remotely compared to regular school?
Much worse
Somewhat worse
About the same
Somewhat better
Much better
Your rating
Any additional feedback to make distance learning more engaging and enjoyable?

Benefits of using the Coronavirus distance learning survey template for high school students

1) Check the effectiveness of distance learning
Distance learning is new for school students and not the same without regular school, friends, and environment. While students might be getting used to it, the program's effectiveness is still a big question mark. There’s a lot of coordination and adjustment involved from students, teachers, and parents. Using this free survey template, you can understand if high school students are finding distance learning effective and efficient. This questionnaire will give you insights into what areas need improvement.

2) Check engagement levels
If the students are not engaged, it may seriously hamper their learning and remote learning success. Teachers and school administrators need to find ways to keep students engaged remotely to make distance learning a success until regular schools can open. Using this template will help you understand how students can be guided and engaged more.

3) Seek additional feedback
This is all very new for teachers, students, and parents, and many changes are being implemented on the fly. It is critical that in such times students are being asked what can be done to keep them more engaged in remote learning and how their learning be maximized. It is best to get that information directly from your high school students; their feedback will be honest and candid.