Survey Templates Surveys MySpace Effectiveness

MySpace Effectiveness

MySpace Effectiveness

Queens College/CUNY
65-30 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY  11367


Project Title:

    Public Library Presence on A Survey of Public Library Utilization

Project Director/Investigator:
    Karen Smith, Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies.  718-997-3793

Research/Study Investigator:

    Matthew McAndrews, Student, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. 914-844-8063

    You are being asked to participate in a research project conducted through Queens College CUNY. If you decide to participate, Queens College requires that you give authorization to participate in this research project.

    A basic explanation of the project is written below.  Please read this explanation and discuss it with the Research Investigator. If you then decide to participate in the research project, please click on the ‘Continue’ button at the bottom of the page.

Nature and Purpose of the Project:

    The purpose of this project is to study the use of by libraries to connect with their young adult patrons.  

Explanation of Procedures:

    Participants are asked to complete a short survey about their experience with MySpace. The survey will ask for data about the participants’ profiles, and their opinions of the site as a tool for libraries.  The survey should take about ten minutes.

Potential Discomfort and Risks:

    There are no foreseeable discomforts or risks associate with participation in this study. All questions in the survey are directly related to your library’s MySpace page and your professional opinion of MySpace.

Potential Benefits:

    There will be no tangible benefits for the participants. However, the study will hope to benefit the field of library science by creating an objective analysis of a popular new method of communication.  


    There will be no reimbursements for participants.

Alternatives to Participation:

    While participation is voluntary, there are no alternatives to participation.

Termination of Participation:

    The survey is self-administered. The participant can terminate the survey at any time with no penalty.


    Participants will not be asked for their names, only the library with which you are associated. This information will be used to gauge participation in the study, and will not be  published in the final report. Only the investigator (Matthew McAndrews) will have access to the data.  After the project is completed, the identifying data will be purged from’s servers, and will be deleted from the Investigator’s computer.

Withdrawal from the Project:

    Your participation in this research project is completely voluntary.  You may decide to stop participating in this project at any time without penalty.

Who to Call if you have any Questions:

    This project has been reviewed and approved for the period indicated by the Queens College (CUNY) Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research and Research Related Activities.

    If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, or to report a research related injury, you may call:

    Assistant Director of Regulatory Compliance, Queens College (CUNY), Telephone # (718) 997-5415.

    If you have concerns or questions about the conduct of this research project you may call:

    Dr. Karen Smith
    Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
    Queens College (CUNY)
    Flushing, NY  11367
    Telephone: (718-997-3790)

What Clicking ‘Agree’ Below Means:

    By clicking on ‘Agree’ below,  you agree to participate in this research project. The purpose, procedures to be used, as well as, the potential risks and benefits of your participation have been explained to you in detail. You can refuse to participate or withdraw from this research project at anytime without penalty. Refusal to participate in this study or withdrawal from this study will have no effect on any services you may otherwise be entitled to from Queens College (CUNY).

Please select the response that most matches your opinion
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Choose not to Answer
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statment? "Library MySpace pages are a waste of time."
Please elaborate on your response to question 1:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Choose not to Answer
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "MySpace pages are a good way for public libraries to communicate with young adults."
Please elaborate on your response to question 2:

3. What were the primary reasons for creating a MySpace profile for your library?

4. What information and services does your library's MySpace page offer?

5. How times has your library's profile been viewed?
6. How many MySpace friends does your library have?
7. Approximately what percentage of your library's MySpace friends are members of your community?
8. Approximately what percentage of your library's MySpace friends are 18 years of age or younger?
9. When did you establish your library's MySpace page?
Please select the answer that best approximates how often you participate in the following activities on your library's MySpace account

10. How often do you:

5+ times/week    
2-5 times/week   
Choose Not To Answer
   h. Write a private message
   d. Send a Friend Request
   e. Post a photo
   g. Receive a private message
   c. Receive a Friend Request
   f. Write a blog entry
   j. Receive a comment on your profile, blog or photos
   b. Update your profile
   i. Comment on another user's profile, blog or photos
   a. Check your MySpace page
11. For what library do you administer a MySpace profile?
12. What is your job title?
13. What is your age?
Please use this space for any comments on your experience with MySpace

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