Survey Templates Psychographic And Demographic Surveys Demographic Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

Demographic Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

Demographic Survey Template is designed by experts with as many relevant demographic question examples. These survey questions can be used by anyone who needs to collect demographic information. Demographic data collection can be a bit sensitive. Questions need to be framed in a manner keeping in mind that it should not hurt the sentiments of others. This sample survey can be customized and used to suit the needs of a researcher.

Following are the questions to gather demographic information about the respondent.

What is your gender?
Do you currently use tobacco?
Do you have any of the following health issues?
What is your food preference?
How much do you spend on your food for your family every week?
How will you describe your political views?
Which of the following best describes your designation?
The organization you work for is in which of the following sector?
What is your organization's total revenue from all of its sources?
What languages can you speak?
What is your sexual orientation?
Which of the following religion do you follow?
Who do you live with ?
Which type of housing do you live in?
Which type of community do you live in?
Do you have children
What is your marital status?
Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?
What is your family’s annual income?
Which of the following best describes your employment status?
What is highest educational qualification?
Which age category do you belong to?

Why Conduct Demographic Survey?

Here are some of the reasons for conducting a demographic survey:

  • There is nothing more disheartening than designing an entire survey and then realizing that key demographic questions haven’t been included in the survey, that would have given a deeper understanding of the data.
  • To avoid this negative or sinking feeling, be careful to include demographic questions if it is needed. Composing demographic questions can be a little tricky. A researcher needs to be mindful not to hurt anybody’s sentiments with those questions.
  • QuestionPro’s Demographic Survey question examples are carefully curated by experts and can be used by anyone who needs to collect data based on demographic information. In this survey template questions related to age, gender, sexual orientation, family members, health issues, food preferences, household income, political views, a field of employment, languages spoken, religion etc are covered.

How to Use Demographic Survey?

QuestionPro’s demographic surveys can provide users in any field irrespective of the industry- public or private with relevant information about any target audience. It can also help segment audiences based on various needs and other demographic factors. Here are a few areas where demographic questions in a survey can help collect meaningful insights:

  • Market research: Demographic and psychographic data can help shape products and services offered by brands or businesses. These questions tend to group a population based on their interests and views. Like men and women would have a different opinion on the same product offered by a brand.
  • Academic research: A researcher who is building on a research project focused on specific population can use this demographic survey to confirm that he/she has correctly identified the population for research. Once a demographic survey is deployed the data collected can be put to academic research use.
  • Healthcare: If a researcher is conducting a research in the healthcare sector then demographic questions are an excellent choice to understand if the sample involved in the researcher belongs to a specific ethnic group. What socio-economic factors might impact the patients etc?
  • Non-profit programs: By deploying this survey non-profit organization can get a great amount of usable data and meaningful insights. In case of a natural disaster or calamity demographic information can help non-profit organizations provide relief to people in areas affected. Many non-profit organizations address the needs of specific population Many non-profit programs address the needs of specific demographic populations. Using demographic questions from time to time can help non-profits make sure their programs are aligned with the evolving needs of those they serve.