E-commerce has evolved to be one of the most preferred mediums for shopping. Perform an evaluation of the potential for e-commerce services using a survey template about the e-commerce website and the services offered. This sample survey can also help you with competitor analysis of the quality of the website, reasons for visiting the website, ease of navigation, etc. By customizing this survey example, you can get customer ratings for website attractiveness, efforts put by them to find your website, website content, and visual appearance, challenges for operating the website are integral to make improvements on the website. Collect data to find out the ways to offer your visitors a great shopping experience.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. The survey will take about 5 minutes. The responses from this survey will be used to improve the functionality of the [COMPANY] site. In addition, detailed comments and suggestions on how we can improve the site can be forwarded to the webmaster at [EMAIL_ADDRESS]. Thank you. Please rank (1-5) the following in order of preference in our website: Tell us how often you visit our site. Please tell us why you visit our site (please check all that apply)? Several state agencies have moved on to e-commerce, that is, conducting business on-line. If [COMPANY/AGENCY] provided a website, would you take advantage of conducting the following [AGENCY] businesses online? How attractive do you find our website? How much effort did you have to take to find our web site? Please rate the below features as compared to other e-commerce websites: From your experience, what do you find to be the biggest challenge with using our site? Did the menu of items on the home page make sense to you? How did you hear about the website? Do you have suggestions on how we can improve our website? Email |