Survey Templates Surveys Volunteer Experience Survey Template

Volunteer Experience Survey Template

Every organization looks forward to making the volunteering experience memorable for every person who spares valuable time to do something considerable for them. Asking the right volunteer experience questions will help you in achieving that.
Here is a volunteer experience survey template that you can use to send out a feedback survey to your volunteers.

Considering your complete experience with our organization, how likely would you be to recommend volunteering with us to a friend or colleague?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Overall, how hard or easy was your volunteering experience with our company?
How influential do you think your volunteering work has been?
How beneficial were the training sessions for volunteers held at your organization?
How did you get along with the others volunteers?
Were the staff at our organization helpful to you?
How probable are you to keep volunteering for our organization in the future?
Ideally, how many hours do you volunteer in a month?

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