Salesforce Integration


What is Salesforce integration with surveys? is one of the leading CRM tools in the market. Connecting the Salesforce platform to the surveys via a simple integration allows custom variable data to flow to and fro between platforms when activated.

Collecting feedback closes the loop of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). By surveying customers, you have bridged a critical gap in CRM by adding customer satisfaction to your list of CRM data points. Salesforce integration brings together two essential systems for managing customer data, CRM, and surveying.

Example of Salesforce integration with surveys

A global retail chain has customers from across the globe that are broken down into various demographic sectors, including geographical locations. Managing customer data is a complex process that Salesforce simplifies. Collecting data from these customers also is essential. Using salesforce integration with surveys provides the ability to map custom variables from both platforms to create smarter and efficient surveys. The organization can also use pre-populated data from the survey tool in Salesforce and map customer intelligence to tangible insights. This data even provides the ability to run advanced studies and get a pulse of customer data.


Uses of Salesforce integration with surveys

Using salesforce integration with surveys provides the ability to consolidate data collection and insights. Bringing two powerful platforms together allows brands and enterprises to understand their audience better and monitor macro and micro market trends. It also helps with evaluating important parameters such as purchase decisions, customer satisfaction, customer effort score calculator, etc.

Advantages of using Salesforce integration with surveys

How to use Salesforce integration with surveys

To set-up integration of Salesforce with your surveys, please read our detailed help-file on how to set up Salesforce integration.

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