Scorecard is expanded view of drivers with all the marker, building block and measures. It will consist of prominence, distribution of agreement percentage, mean and standard deviation against each marker, building block and measures. Scorecard will allow you to create your own custom scorecard by grouping together measures (questions) of different markers and building blocks. You can create a section and add questions from different markers and building blocks to the section.
To create a scorecard, login to your – Portal >> Trends >> Add Dashboard >> Add Widget >> Scorecard
Add title, Scorecard , click next button.
Once the section is added you can view your custom scorecard
Yes, you can add multiple scorecard and section. To add a scorecard click on Add Scorecard
To add a new section in a scorecard
Yes, you can delete the scorecard and sections.
To delete a scorecard click on Delete Scorecard and click on the "x" against the scorecard you want to delete. A confirmation pop-up will open up, click on "Yes" to delete the scorecard.
To delete a section