Шаблоны опросов Оценочные опросы для сотрудников Employee effectiveness questionnaire + Sample Survey Template

Employee effectiveness questionnaire + Sample Survey Template

Employee effectiveness questionnaire is designed to collect feedback from managers or colleagues related to the performance effectiveness of employees. More and more organizations are recognizing the importance of an effective review system. But these reviews fall flat and often don’t solve the purpose.

QuestionPro Workforce offers you questionnaires for your organization’s need. This employee effectiveness questionnaire consists of just the right questions that help you collect feedback from managers, colleagues, peers, etc. This questionnaire will help employees see the depth of their development and value they provide to the organization.

1. Based on your complete experience with us, how likely are you to recommend your family/ friends to this organization?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
2. Please enter the employee’s full name
3. Please select your department
4. How long have you been working in this organization?
5. Have you been working with the same department since you joined the organization?
6. How long have you worked with this employee?
7. Please choose the most appropriate answer options for the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The employee takes ownership of his/her mistake
The employee has clear professional goals
The employee has worked hard on self-improvement
The employee shows high standards of self conduct
The employee is open to conflict resolution
The employee offers help and support to other teammates
The employee helps other teammates fit in the team
The employee has high self-esteem
The employee addresses issues with patience
The employee is always punctual to work
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The employee is open to constructive feedback
The employee participates in office activities besides work
The employee inspires other employees in the organization
The employee has good communication skills
The employee has excellent knowledge in his/her field of work
8. Is there anything else that you would like to add?