The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulation will enter into effect in the European Union from May 2018 and it will have a fundamental impact on how organizations treat data from individuals in compliance with the new privacy laws. General Data Protection Regulation, commonly referred to as GDPR, is a new piece of European Union legislation intended to standardize data regulation across Europe while providing greater protection and control over data to the consumer.
In this webinar we discussed:
What is GDPR- Ethos and Definition
How GDPR affects market research?
The QuestionPro solution for GDPR ompliance
The Respondent Journey
Privacy protection of EU citizen's personal data
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the most significant changes that are about to happen in the area of data privacy. Under this regulation, data is to be coordinated, shielded and commissioned for all the European citizens.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable to any organization/ business or individual who handles the personal data of European citizens. The GDPR compliance will override the current Data Protection Act on May 25, 2018.
A simple question that I can ask at this point in time is, how will you rate your organization’s GDPR readiness? How will you answer this question, unless you have sufficient data to back it.