You can use the variables and data stored in the Custom Variables or the External Reference Variable for data pre-population. The variables can be used in question or answer text using a simple code to map to the data. When uploading an email distribution list, the data is then mapped to the variables and replaced in the question and answer text. To learn about renaming custom variables to match what may be in your spreadsheet, please see the renaming custom variables help file.
How can I replace text within the questions and answer options? What are the variables and codes available?
You can use the following variable tags. Use them wherever you wish to display the text.
If you have renamed the custom variables, use the format ${code entered for variable} to refer to the variable. Remember to use the Code, and NOT the Display Name when calling out the custom variable in question or answer text.
How can I pre-populate Open Ended Text type questions?
License & Access Options
This feature/tools described here are available with the following license(s) :