Topics Settings
The Topics setting tab allows the Admin/moderator to make some specific settings for the topics module. Let's discover each of the settings in detail.
What is this Setup Setting?
The Setup setting allows the moderator to make deicisions regarding how the topic be setup? Whether a member should be allowed to setup a topic or does any topic need some kind of moderation etc.
Let's have a look in detail-
- Allow members to create topic: This if toggled on will allow members to create the topic under the Topics tab on the portal.
- Social sharing: Allows the members to share the topic on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It also allows the member to copy the content to the clipboard and paste on the social media platform that they wish on.
- Approve topic: As the name suggests, if it's toggled on then the admin/moderator will need to approve the topic to be displayed to the members.
- Approve comments: If this setting is toggled on, then whatever comments will be added by members to the topics, needs to be moderated by the admin first and then, once approved, those comments will be visible under the topic.
- Hide comments: If this is toggled on, then, the member (logged in user) needs to add the comment to the post/topic first and then only they can view the comments added by the other members.
- Description: This message or content will be displayed on the portal when the member will hover over the "i" icon.
What does this Categories setting do?
Topics can be segregated by the categories. Multiple categories can be created by the Admin while setting up the Topics module.
Members or administrator can select the relevant category from the list while submitting a new Topic.
By default, all topics will have "Deafult" as the default category i.e. all topics if does not have any special category assigned to it will have Default assigned.
You can create the New Category by clicking on the "Add Category" button. Then, you will need to add the following details-
- Title: This is precisely the category name.
- Description: Admin can provide the description to this category so that in the long run they remember what this particular category means.
- Criteria: This criteria is the sample filter. So, in case, the admin wants a specific audience to view topics related to a specific category, then this criteria setting will come in handy.
How can I delete the category?
In order to delete the category, the category must have all the inactive topics in it. If you try deleting the category with active topics, it will throw an error.
Once your category has all inactive topics, you can hover over the row and click on delete icon or in case you want to bulk delete, then click on the top left checkox, check mark the categories with no inactive topics and then click "Delete selected."
What are these points for?
Points are basically the rewards given to the members when they add a topic/comment.
For instance, let's take a look at the points settings page-
- New topics: When a member adds a new topic, then how much points to be assigned. The catch here is that, if a member adds 3 topics in a day, they will get rewarded thrice and not once.
- New comments: These are the points to be assigned to the members who will add comments to the topics.
- Maximum points: These are the maximum points that can be allocated to a member per month/week/day.
The maximum points should always be greater than the points which are to be provided when adding a topic or the comment.
Once the points are allocated, click on the "Save" button.
Can you please explain what does these notification toggles mean?
Admin can setup different notification options in the "Notifications" tab under "Settings". Following are the option:
- Topic approval (Members): Community members will receive notification once the community admin changes/approves their Topic. Also, if the Community Portal Notification is on, then the members will see a notification badge in the community portal when the login, which will inform them about the status of topic approval.
- Topics pending approval: Community admin can opt to receive a notification to approve new Topics that are pending approval. This option is only visible if the "Approve Topics" setting is enabled under the "Setup" tab.
- Topic Activity: Topic author will receive timely emails whenever there is a comment on their Topics.
- Comment Activity: Commenter will receive an email as soon as there is a reply on the comment.
This feature is available with the following license :
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