NHLBI Case Study

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NHLBI Case Study

Treating Customer Service as Well as the Heart

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides global leadership for a research, training, and education program to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, and blood diseases and enhance the health of all individuals so that they can live longer and more fulfilling lives. And because NHLBI communicates their various initiatives and research findings to patients, families, healthcare professionals, scientists, media outlets, and more, they wanted to improve their customer service and business processes to ensure excellence in all of their pursuits.

NHLBI wanted to ensure that their staff as well as their respondents would be able to easily interface with the survey platform, so the partnered with QuestionPro to ensure that the surveys would be easily accessible by everyone

Depending on the size of the survey pool, NHLBI could count on anywhere from 5-100 respondents that generated robust and impactful results that would affect future NHLBI business processes. The responses also allowed NHLBI to make improvements upon their customer service practices, which is at an absolute premium in the field of healthcare and medical research.

The NHLBI and QuestionPro partnership is an ongoing relationship that will hopefully lead to better business processes, new discoveries, and meaningful findings.