Hello Fresh Case Study

Quantitative online surveys to develop an in-depth understanding of consumers and customers and successfully design NPD and EPD.

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QuestionPro and Hello Fresh market research solution



We spoke with Stefan Heyne, Global Team Lead Market Research, at HelloFresh Group, about his work with the QuestionPro market research platform. In addition to his opinion on working with QuestionPro, the main focus was his assessment of how our survey technologies support HelloFresh in mastering the current internal challenges of agile and decentralized market research.


The objective in deciding on QuestionPro was to find a tool that meets the requirements of HelloFresh market research in that it can allow different departments and national companies to carry out market research projects quickly and independently to be able to focus more strongly on content, quality standards, and complex projects, but without jeopardizing the company-wide quality standards and comparability of the data or jeopardizing the willingness to participate in surveys.


Therefore, the challenge was finding a platform technology that could be used intuitively by all stakeholders and simultaneously create a high level of software acceptance. When different stakeholders use the software, neither the data quality nor the comparability of the data suffers. Finally, sufficient care is to be taken to ensure that customers are not "annoyed" by too many similar surveys from different places and thus become survey-weary.

Overview of QuestionPro solutions
  1. Core Survey, Community and Experience Management Solution
  2. Worldwide panel (22 million)
  3. Consulting
  4. Incentive handling
  5. Advanced analysis such as cross tabulation, grouping and semantic text analysis
  6. Conjoint, MaxDiff, A/B testing and much more

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About QuestionPro

QuestionPro is built for Enterprise platform that has been developed continuously and closely in line with the requirements and wishes of our customers in the areas of experience management, market research and scientific research for two decades now. With more than 4 million customers in over 100 countries, QuestionPro is one of the most used and popular survey and analysis solutions worldwide. Our main fields of activity are Market Research, Customer Experience and Employee Experience.