This set of Question can be used in the Pulse to be sent out on weekly and rotational basis to your employees.
Once we enable this option, this helps us in asking additional questions around areas which you care about which can affect your employees. Instead of sending one monotonous question every week, you can make the weekly feedback less boring by asking these additional questions and gather more valuable feedbacks at the same time.
1. Go to Workforce --> Open your Workforce account --> Go to Weekly Pulse --> and enable the select Multiple Questions.
2. Add new question
When “Multiple Questions” are enabled, the first Default Question in the pulse will be sent for the first week, while from next week the “Multiple Questions” will be sent one after the other. And once the first cycle for all the questions is finished the system will send the survey from the beginning to the users.
If this option is not enabled, the Weekly Question will be sent every week to the employees.