Data quality is an assessment of data's fitness to serve its purpose. You can enable speed traps module. This module will perform the quality check to flag respondents who complete survey too fast or too slow. This modules helps to flag the speedsters.
To customize the timing, click on the time icon on the speed trap module. We provide 2 options.
Users can set the time required for survey completion in seconds, minutes or hours. Also the percentage deviation allowed can be set. If a user sets 5 minutes as average time needed to complete survey with 10% deviation. In this case any respondent who finish survey within 4.5 to 5.5 minutes will not be flagged and other respondents who do not finish survey in this range will be flagged.
Real time average is an AI based alogorithm that calculates average based on all the respondents time taken to finish survey.
If you think the response should not have been flagged, you can unflag the response by clicking on the response ID. Navigate to the data quality tab. You can see the question, answer and the reason for flagging the response. Click on the unflag response button. Once the unflagging is done the flag icon will disappear in the response viewer.
To flag the response, click on response ID. Navigate to data quality tab. Click on flag response button. Once the response is flagged, flag icon will appear with response ID which has been flagged.