Question Randomization
Randomization is a research technique which is used to overcome order bias- the bias that can result due to the order of answer choices. Respondents tend to favour choices at the beginning and at the end of a list because they are more memorized. First items may also be chosen by respondents to save time.
Order bias can be took into account by randomizing the order in which the answer choices are presented.
How to randomize questions within a block?
Follow the steps below to randomize the questions within a section:
- Click on Question Randomization under block options.
- In the pop-up, you can see all the questions present under Current Display Order category, which will always be displayed in the same order as presented in the list. You can use the up and down arrows to the left, to reorder the selected question
- You can use the left and right arrows in front of the respective randomization option to add the selected question into those category.
- Finally, click on the Save button to save the question randomization.
- To test the randomization set up you can use the preview option for that block.
Randomization Categrories
There are three randomization categories:
- Random : To randomly display all the questions you have placed under this option.
- Random Subset : To display limited questions from the list of questions you have placed under this option.
- Do Not Display : To hide the question(s) which you have placed under this option.
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