Dynamic show/hide question logic allows you to use show/hide question logic on the same page as the source question. This means unlike the default show/hide logic, dynamic show/hide logic allows you to show or hide questions without having to insert a page break.
For example, consider that the source question asks "Which is your favorite smartphone brand?" with following answer options:
If the respondent selects Samsung then, show a dependent question which asks respondents to select a Samsung smartphone that he/she wishes to buy. In the case of dynamic show/hide question logic, when the respondent selects the Samsung option on the source question the dependent question will appear right below on the same survey page.
To set up a dynamic show/hide question logic:
In the below example, when the respondent selects Samsung then the dependent question appears right below.
If any other option is slected that does not have any dependent question. It will hide the shown question immeditely.
This feature is available with the following licenses :