QuestionPro offers six ways to analyze open-ended text collected in a survey. These tools will enable you to make sense of responses and strengthen the quality and value of the data for those using it to smart business decisions. The goal for reviewing open-ended text is to be able to identify word themes and patterns that offer deeper insights into the overall survey. You can categorize and calculate the open-ended text with these tools based on respondent profile, custom variables, or responses given.
Open-ended text tools
To access the text report, go to: Login » Surveys » Analytics » Text Report.
You can expand the section to Filter data or access additional Settings
Following settings are available for the dashboard:
To discover what specific segments of respondents say, use the data segmentation tool to download the results. For example, If you want to analyze comments from males vs females, the data segmentation tool makes it very easy to do a side by side comparison.
To access data segmented text, go to: Login » Surveys » Analytics » Analysis » Data Segmentation
Select ‘New Data Filter’ to create filters based on questions, custom variables, etc., and click ‘Save filter.’
Review the newly created segment and apply response and time status (optional). To the right, access the text report for the segment.
Click on text report for the segment to analyze, print, or share with others.
This feature is available with the following licenses :