In the above example, Vizio was selected, so the flow of the question should be as below:
To set this branching, set up the entire survey, along with all the follow-up questions and add a presentaion text question after Conjoint question type and follow the below steps:
// concept selected in first step var Q1_first_concept_selected_text = $survey.getQuestionByCode('Q1').getTask(0).getSelectedConcept().getLevelForFeature(0).levelText; // concept not selected in first step var Q1_first_concept_not_selected_text = $survey.getQuestionByCode('Q1').getTask(0).getNotSelectedConcepts()[0].getLevelForFeature(0).levelText; $survey.updateCustomVariable(1,Q1_first_concept_selected_text); $survey.updateCustomVariable(2,Q1_first_concept_not_selected_text); // auto-submit page document.forms.runForm.onsubmit();
To do this, use ${custom1} in the question text,as we are saving selected text in custom variable 1 using above JavaScript code.
For example, Why did you select ${custom1}?