A TURF simulator is a tool used to determine the optimal combination of options that will reach the maximum number of people within a target audience. It analyzes data on audience preferences and identifies the best set of options to maximize overall reach. With QuestionPro, you can access TURF Simulator as shown below:
Go to: Analysis >> TURF Analysis from the drop-down
Next, click on the question you want to run TURF analysis on
TURF Analysis landing page will be opened. Next, click on Simulator Tab
Simulator screen will be displayed in below shown manner. Here, you can choose to hold answer option(s) by clicking on Hold dropdown, in case you definitely want to include them in the simulation
Similarly, you can choose to restrict answer option(s) by clicking on Prohibit dropdown, in case you do not want to include them in the simulation
Next, you can choose the number of items to be clubbed for that simulation by clicking on Simulation Count dropdown, as shown below:
After making required settings in Hold, Prohibit and Simulation Count, click on Run Simulation
The simulated results will be displayed as shown below. The displayed table will have configurations listed and sorted as per Highest Reach (%), followed by Cost
Scrolling down will show more simulations:
You can also download the full list of simulations by clicking on Export to excel button:
The TURF Simulator can give you One-Click access to Optimal configurations for maximizing reach. Reach or Coverage is defined as the proportion of the audience (target group) that chooses a particular option. The TURF Simulator runs through every possible configuration of 'n' choices at a time and gives you a sorted order of "Reach %".