It calculates the difference between the time the review was posted and the time when a reply was added to the review.
By default the average response time shown is for the last month(last 30 days).
Total reviews
Displays the total number of reviews, depending on the filters applied
It also shows the total number of reviews for the last month (last 30 days).
Overall rating
It calculates the average of the ratings received across the review sources added in the CX Reputation platform
There is also a table with 3 columns where the first column shows the star rating, the second column is the counter that counts reviews, and the third column is the percentage of reviews.
It also shows the overall rating for the last month (last 30 days).
Overall rating with filters
It calculates the average of the ratings received across the review sources added in the CX Reputation platform
You can select for Month, Quarter or Year to display the overall rating
This widget can also be used to represent Total number of reviews and Average response time in a line graph.
Feedback distribution chart
Map presentation of the reviews. It bifurcates the reviews Information based on country, star rating and total number of reviews.
Click on the Location tab if you want to see information depending on locations.
Sentiment trend chart
It displays the percentage of positive, negative and uncategorized (neutral) topics found.
Click on the Month tab if you want to view it in Months. You can also further drill down the results for quarter or year.
If you want to display only the positive trend, just click on the negative and neutral legend and they will be removed.
Sentiment ratio chart
It displays the percentage of positive sentiments.
Sentiment topics chart
Displays five most common positive and negative topics. If a review has the same topic twice, it will be counted as one for the purpose of this chart.
If you want to see negative topics, you can click on the drop down available at the top right corner of the widget.
Positive Topics
Negative Topics
Word cloud chart
Word Clouds are a powerful way to visualise what your customers are really thinking about . They are easy to read, quick to produce and simple to understand.
This will enable the user to visualize the positive and negative sentiment trend in word cloud format.
Depending on the frequency of the sentiment topic the words will be highlighted and the number of occurrences of those words in the reviews will be displayed to the user.
If you want to see negative topics, you can click on the drop down available at the top right corner of the widget.
Word cloud for positive sentiment topics
Word cloud for negative sentiment topics
Trustscore widget
The Trustscore widget is available only with the Trustpilot integration. It displays the trustscore that is propietary to the Trustoliot reviews. The formula used is different. Check the
The Trustscore and Overall rating are different, reason being, the way both are calculated varies. Check the Overall Rating widget section for more details.
This widget will only be available if the Trustpilot integration is installed.
If you do not apply any dashboard filters, and Trustpilot integration is installed, then this chart if visible. If you apply a source filter and do not select Trustpilot as a source, this widget will not be visible.
This feature is available with the following license :