Using this widget all the open-ended text comments can be listed for a selected question. Each entry in the list is the comment text, other parameters associated such as email address, phone number, first name, and response ID. Clicking on the response ID, the response details can be seen.
Here is a glimpse of comment list widget:
Follow the steps below to add a text widget at the survey level.
You can choose between None, NPS, and CSAT as scoring models for the comment list widget. If you don't want to show the NPS score and associated color indicators for promoters, passive, and detractors in the widget you can choose None as the scoring model.
The comment list widget can be used as a tabular widget where you can choose columns of your choice to show against response IDs. This can be done using the Data columns option, where you can select any 7 columns of your choice either from the response details or custom variables.